Our love is like a candle it flickers and burns when the wind is by it seems to die just to come back stronger again like our love it will never end will go on till times stop's or the candle burns out.. The hot wax that drips is like us melding together flowing where ever life takes us always going, always flowing only to cool and harden together like our love for one another.. No matter what you do other than blow the candle out it will burn till there is no more this is like our love we work together for if you don't it will fade and die then there will be no more just like a candle.. You extinguish the flame and there is no more like a relationship if you don't work at it there is no more.. So live like the candle feel free with your love make your partner feel the warmth make her feel like she's the candle so you can burn together and never go out... *** written by *** ***Lady Maggie*** @copywrite1998